‘Super Boomers’ – the new over-50’s Revolution

by admin

The first in a series of features looking at the business opportunities available to the over-50’s entrepreneurs who want to be their own boss.

In this first feature Age-net takes a look at the post war Baby-Boom generation who have become liberated by wealth, health and technology. Rather than retiring they are using their skills and experience in an independent way. Britain’s over-50’s are no longer constrained by what people think and are keen to hang on to their youthful vigour.

Attitude is what matters in an age when Britain is becoming increasingly ageless.

The so-called “Super boomers” are forcing a shift in traditional attitudes towards the older generations as they live life on their own terms and are set to become a strong economic force. Research by The Future Laboratory, commissioned by tech giant Huawei shows that over the next decade there will be 700,000 fewer people aged 16-49 in the workforce but 3.7 million more people aged between 50 and the pension age. Tom Savigar, chief strategy officer of The Future Laboratory, said: “The Super boomer is redefining what it means to be ‘older’ in British society and culture.”

The over-50s control more than three-quarters of Britain’s wealth – and are making the most of it. They are setting up businesses in far greater numbers than their predecessors. This generation is proving itself as comfortable with online businesses as grandchildren; in 2015 there were more than 1.7 million entrepreneurs over the age of 50 in the UK. One in five of the age group are their own boss.

Older entrepreneurs leading the way in creating Britain’s Start-up triumphs

Super boomer start-up businesses are two-and-a-half times likelier to last the course for five years or more than those run by younger business people. Dr Ros Altmann, the Government’s Champion for Older Workers, said: “Baby boomers are redefining ‘old age’ and retirement. Older people have experience, wisdom, skills and energy that can enhance the lives of everyone, old or young, and improve long-term growth. These are the people who can put the ‘great’ back in Britain.”

We may no longer have our youth but we can apply our knowledge and experience along with the technology and resources that are at our fingertips to make this the healthiest, wealthiest and most exciting time of our life.

How to become a Super boomer

superboomer relaxing
  • Start a business – be your own boss
  • Search out new ideas and technology
  • Always have a youthful attitude
  • Set up new businesses or projects focused on people’s needs
  • Be you, follow a passion
  • Choose a business that fits your lifestyle
  • Use your skills and experience
  • Don’t procrastinate

Be your own boss.

work from home

In future articles Age net will be exploring the top franchise and business opportunities aimed at the 50 plus entrepreneur.

We will be looking at hands on and management opportunities. Franchises for men and women. Businesses with start-up cost ranging from £1,000 to £100,000.

If you are considering becoming your own boss there will be plenty of interesting facts to assist you with starting your dream business.

Franchises offer you the best of both worlds – your own business without all the headaches involved in starting from scratch. A proven business model with support when you need it.

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